Budget 2017: Clean technology innovation has arrived in Canada
On March 22, 2017, we sent out a blast to our subscribers about the new 2017 Budget. If you missed it, you can read it below.
Towards a comprehensive approach to climate policy, sustainable infrastructure, and finance
Published March 16th, 2017 by G20 Insights, this policy brief proposes a policy package of low-carbon growth stimulation through a steep increase in sustainable infrastructure, mobilizing sustainable finance, and adoption of carbon pricing to simultaneously achieve the objectives of the Paris Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals. Authors of the paper are; Amar Bhattacharya (The Brookings Institution), Brigitte Knopf (Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change, Céline Bak (Centre for International Governance Innovation), and Ottmar Edenhofer (Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change).
Speaking Notes- RNNR committee
On March 9th, 2017, Celine Bak appeared before the Parliamentry Committee on Natural REsources to provide testimony on clean technology in Canada's natural resources sectors.
You can read her speaking notes below
US Climate Policy: 1 and 1, and Golden Silence
Today we sent out an email blast about the meeting between Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and US President Donald Trump, and the communiqué that followed.
In case you missed it, you can click below to read it. Please contact us if you want to be added to our mailing list for future blasts.
Policy update: Generating Growth from Innovation for the Low-carbon Economy
Following the landmark Pan-Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change, Canada has outlined a path forward to meet its 2030 emission reduction targets under the Paris Agreement as well as a Mid-Century Plan for a Clean Growth Economy.
Building early-stage innovation and accelerating the commercialization and growth of clean technology firms are integral features of the Framework.
In a new paper from the Centre for International Governance Innovation, Generating Growth from Innovation for the Low-Carbon Economy: Exploring Safeguards in Finance and Regulation, senior fellow Céline Bak highlights some of the existing barriers clean technology firms face when scaling their business and proposes four policy recommendations to maximize clean technology firms' contribution to climate change and job growth.
These recommendations include an innovative carbon emissions mitigation fund, sustainable finance performance warranty program, best global regulations for the low carbon economy and a sustainable infrastructure program.
Current projections suggest that Canada will miss its target by nearly 55%. Although the Pan-Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change aims to reverse this trend, much work remains to build policies and market mechanisms that will help facilitate our transition to a low carbon economy.
Also, the Federal Government is now considering how to deploy $800 million to innovation clusters as part of its innovation strategy. To be consistent with Canada's 2030 and 2050 climate plans, candidates for these clusters should be assessed on how their plans aligns with the priorities of Canadians on climate commitments and on health outcomes. Doing so will result in less waste and will help to improve the productivity of the Canadian economy overall.
An update on another CIGI policy brief: Growth, Innovation and COP21: The Case for New Investment in Innovative Infrastructure - policy makers are discussion what it will take to make Canada's infrastructure part of a low carbon future and what role innovation should play a role.
Next up: To support the G20, over 80 people from 50 global think-tanks have signed up to work on the T20 Climate Policy and Finance Task Force. By consensus, they have agreed to work together to provide policy guidance on Carbon Pricing, Growth and Innovation, Access to Green Finance, Sustainable Infrastructure and Global Energy Trade.
Policy and effective market making is patient work and progress is being made on many fronts!
If you have an interest in policy and market making on any of the above themes, or have feedback on the CIGI policy papers, please let us know.
Canadian companies can clean up in China
As part of a Global Commerce Insider feature on China in the Globe and Mail, published January 16th, 2017, David Israelson writes on the opportunties for Canadian clean technology companies to export to China.
Canada can cash in on cleantech boom
Published in The Star on January 6th, 2017, Jon Dogterom of MaRS Discovery District writes that Canada "can be a world-leader in the field but the private sectors needs help, including national cleantech data strategy".
Inadequate financing threatens Canadian cleantech’s global competitiveness
Published December 7, 2016, Cleantech Canada Staff share results from a joint SDTC-Cycle Capital report, that Canada is outperforming U.S. rivals in cleantech research, but fails to compete when commercializing technologies,
BDC boosts clean-technology venture fund
Published November 22, 2016 as a special in the Globe and Mail, Shawn McCarthy reports on the news that BDC is adding funding to its venture fund supporting Canadian clean tech startups.